Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Liebster Award

Hello There!

So this post is a new one for me, my lovely friend over at Jay's Blog nominated me for the Liebster Awards. (Thanks Chum) This award was created to help build the blogging community and get us to know one another a bit more.  So lets dive in!

The rules are as follows:
  • Get nominated.
  • Link back the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you choose to nominate (or use the ones you answered).
  • Nominate 5-20 people for the award.

The Questions:

1. Do you have a signature scent? (
Fragrances you always go back too?)

Oh boy that I do. I always seem to go back to American Eagle's LIVE. This scent has been my go to scent for over a year. There is something about its floral and musky mixture that brings me back to summer nights hanging with friends. I love the fact that this perfume is light but lasting, it is surly my favorite scent to date!

2. If you were to visit anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would it be?                
I would love to visit Portugal to learn the language, the culture and the arts I'm sure there are many breathtaking locations I could photograph as well.

3. Story behind your blog name?
It's funny this was actually going to be the title of my second blog post.  I chose the name Mia's beauty addiction because I love all things beauty and have been known to spend countless hours watching beauty vloggers and playing in my own makeup stash. Makeup, Hair and fashion are not just things I like to dabble into but I am extremely passionate about each one!

4. Three must have beauty products?
Mascara, concealer and Moisturizer. DONE!

5. If you were to eat only one type of food for a year, which would it be?
Mashed potatoes and chicken.......mmmmm........Thanksgiving anyone??

6. If you could open up your own shop, what would the name be?
The name of my shop would be 'Impressions by Mia' which is the watermark on the photos in my last blog. A few months ago I was inspired to put my skills to work and start my own photography business. I love capturing beautiful moments.  The beauty of photography is that you can capture some of the most precious moments for a life time with the click if a finger.

7. Favorite thing to do on your down time?
Take photographs.

8. One high end brand you would splurge on?

After much deliberation and an internal crisis lol I would have to go with Urban Decay they have some of the best palettes and foundation on the market.

9. One book you wouldn't get tired of reading?
This might be a shock to some especially not knowing much about me. But I would have to say my Bible. Every time I read it I get more and more out of it. It is a book that is alive and that makes me strive to be the best person I can be. 

10. Goals for your blog?

I would love to be able to inspire and motivate women of all ages to get out of their comfort zone and go out and do the things they love and become the women they aspire to be.  We get one chance at life and its imperative that we make it count.  I came across a quote the other day I'm not sure who the originator is but it goes something like this - "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today".  So I leave you with that thought!

11. Name a talent of yours.

I'm not sure how much of a talent it is (and it is not one I claimed for myself) it actually took me a while to realize but I would have to say I have been told I am a good motivational speaker.  I like to listen to what those around me are going through and think of ways to encourage them to proceed with their plans (the good plans, that is lol) I like to see the people I love succeed and if all they need is a bit of direction or a little push I will gladly do it!

Well those were the questions.  Thanks again to Jay for the nomination.  I will do the honors now and nominate a few bloggers I am currently reading and loving that I haven't seen tagged yet.  If I didn't tag you please feel free to leave me your link down below.  Im always looking for a new read

1.Emma Lou
3.Little Miss Makeup
5.Ohh So Glam

Questions To Answer:

1. What inspired you to star blogging?
2. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
3. What's the one thing you would tell your high school self if you could go back in time?
4. Favorite song?
5. What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?
6. What do you do when you have writers block?
7. Favorite pass-time?
8. If you had to chose between having your favorite wardrobe or makeup collection which would it be?
9. Where would you go for an ultimate weekend getaway and what MUST HAVE item would you bring?
10. Who inspires you most?
11. Favorite piece of jewelry and why?

Hope you enjoyed this post!

xo xo Mia 


  1. Great post!!
    Haha I loved your answers.
    Thanks for answering them. :)

    Jay xx

  2. Omg, thank you soo much for nominating me! I'm not sure what to do but i will do it thank you! :))) Great answers btw!
