So after giving this little thought (I tend to be spontaneous at times) I decided that after my intro post I would explain why I chose ‘Mia’s beauty addiction’ as the name for my blog.
As you probably already know my name is Mia so that explains the first part but what you are about to learn is that I am a firm believer that you can find beauty in almost every thing you see. A makeup product that’s never been touched, your favorite item of clothing, a quote you happened to scroll upon while checking out your instagram feed, that piece of jewelry you only wear on special occasions or how about that smile from loved ones that just steals your heart away?
There is beauty all around us and that is one of my greatest addictions; finding it, embracing it and sharing it with others.
Life can be so short at times and even when blessed with many years it means nothing if we aren’t able to enjoy the beauty that lies within it.
I hope this post will help and encourage someone to appreciate all things in life. If you’re having a bad day, then this post is for you… no matter what the weather (unless there is a blizzard) go out for a walk; sunshine, moonlight or rain and just take it all in. Find something beautiful I know you’ll smile when you do :) and if you are having a good day do the same. Find something that inspires you. Go out and enjoy this moment. You’ll never get it back!